Duxmen Guide Service prides itself on being mobile and spread out. We also believe in resting our pits to ensure better hunting for all parties. We utilize 16 different farms for our guiding operation. This is the ADDED VALUE of when you book with us instead of a small guide service that hunts the same pits each day of the entire season. We rest them a minimum of 2-3 days per week to increase bird kills and also for the weekday or weekend workforce that pay for a good hunt.
At Duxmen Outfitters, we have multiple blinds, pits, and timber holes that allow us to pick the areas of duck concentration. The key to killing birds is to have multiple pit options, not just a few to pick from. That's why we have 20 different farms to pick from daily!
Our guides put themselves in your shoes. Duck blinds, gas for pumping, and how commercialized the industry is today makes duck hunting a full out operation. When someone wants to have an experience of a lifetime, we want to give it to them. We take pride in EVERY guided hunt and give 110% to getting birds to the blind with our experienced guides. All pits are well hidden and fast grassed for optimal concealment.
Our locations are also keys to our success. We also have the famous Cache River and Claypool Reservoir that holds a major concentration of our migration flights in N.E. Arkansas. Flights of pintails, mallards, teal, widgeon, shovelers, scaup, ringnecks, wood ducks, snow geese, and some Canadian geese are all common on a daily hunt.